Fights flaccidity and cellulite by acting from within the skin, removing aged fibers while forming new collagen to result in firmer, more elastic skin.

Radiofrecuencia estados unidos

What is it?

Equilibrium radiofrequency is a therapeutic treatment that consists of the application of high-frequency electromagnetic waves on the skin and the specific areas to be treated, whose purpose is to attack the different layers that it has and improve them.

How does it work?

At Equilibrium we know that the best medicine for your well-being is within you, which is why we apply this non-invasive and painless treatment, which is capable of activating collagen and elastin in the skin, blood circulation and oxygenation, giving it to your skin, the young and beautiful appearance that it has naturally.


Stimulates collagen production for greater skin elasticity.

Visibly reduces flaccidity and double chin problems, one of the aspects that most ages the face.

Activates circulation and returns all the luminosity to the skin.

Schedule your appointment

Coverage areas:
  • West Palm Beach
  • Broward
  • Miami