

Massage combined with ideal lymphatic drainage to reduce body fat through the lymphatic pathways

What is it?

It is a special technique, applied in Equilibrium, which uses an energetic massage, with a fast rhythm, generating hyperemia, that is, increased localized blood irrigation. Carrying in each maneuver the flow to the main lymphatic points. Whose effect is the progressive elimination of fat.


At Equilibrium we develop it with manual lymphatic drainage, which improves the passage of fat from adipose tissue, cavitated to the lymphatic system, electrostimulation and the use of a girdle to increase lymphatic drainage and body shaping. At Equilibrium we know that health comes first and then beauty, therefore, we remind you not to take risks, allow a professional to make an appropriate assessment to establish the causes of your overweight or obesity.

What you should know about fat?

It is important that you know that fat is not bad by itself, since its function is to release fatty acids when energy is needed for any muscular work. The problem is that when it increases due to metabolic or endocrine problems or excesses in the diet, it causes unsightly folds in the abdomen, chest, thighs and other places and even serious health problems.

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Coverage areas:
  • West Palm Beach
  • Broward
  • Miami